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As a group focused on industrial investments, which includes Dalgıç Kalıp, Dlg Plast, Dalgıç Global and Dalgıç Makine companies, Dalgıç Group of Companies, which mostly serves the automotive, white goods and electrical-electronics sectors, continues to grow by making investments and keeping up with technology.

Emre Dalgıç, General Manager of Dalgıç Group of Companies, gave information about group companies.

SUBCONTURKEY: Can we briefly introduce you?

Emre Dalgıç: I studied Business Administration at Özyeğin University in Turkey and International Business Management at Plymouth University in England. I am the General Manager of Dalgıç Group of Companies. I am married, I am the father of a daughter.


Could you tell us about the corporate identity of the Group of Companies?

Emre Dalgıç: As a group that mostly focuses on industrial investments, which includes Dalgıç Kalıp, Dlg Plast, Dalgıç Global and Dalgıç Makine companies, we mostly serve the automotive, white goods and electrical-electronics sectors. We are a group of 250 people and our aim is to develop our human resources day by day.

SUBCONTURKEY: When did you start producing fasteners? What is your position in this industry? Could you tell us about your product range and production capacity?

Emre Dalgıç: For more than 30 years, Dalgıç Kalıp has serious experience in metal and derivatives, Dlg Plast's plastics and derivatives, and Dalgıç Makine has serious experience in machining. We have been producing fasteners for nearly 10 years. The fasteners we produce are delivered to Dalgıç Global A.Ş. we deliver to our customers. We have 93 kinds of products in our structure specifically for the "fastener group". Considering the fastening equipment category, I can say that we are in a niche area since we have a variety that targets conveyor belts. Since conveyor belts can wear out quickly with the effect of the products they carry, you need to focus on producing the best in world standards, not doing your best in this niche area. Currently, our products continue to be used in 7 regions of our country. In summary, if you are in the usage areas, you may encounter our Dalgıç Fastener ® brand in many parts of our country and the world. There are important details such as strength and durability in the fastener group. We are able to implement the special requests of our customers with our manufacturer identity. Dalgıç Raptiye ® is important to us and we work 24/7 without compromising our quality standards so that it is the first brand that comes to mind when it comes to "conveyor belt equipment".

SUBCONTURKEY: What was 2020 like for your company? What are your goals for 2021? How did the effect of the pandemic affect you?

Emre Dalgıç: 2020 was certainly challenging for everyone and every company. When we think on a global basis, production capacities were limited, but while we were trying to keep this restriction at a minimum, of course, we should have taken our health measures at the maximum level. Because the demand was maintaining its vitality and you are right that you should be able to respond to these demands with both deadlines and results. We continue the process together with our colleagues by taking the precautions at the highest level and continuing the disinfection processes at regular intervals.

We tried to manage. It was a good achievement for us to be able to observe that we have the ability to be a team and that we are strong despite the setbacks and negativities, within the framework of the state of emergency. For this reason, I can say that it was a particularly profitable year in the spiritual sense.

SUBCONTURKEY: Could you tell us about your export? How much of your production do you export to which countries?

Emre Dalgıç: We export molds, plastics, metals and finished products. As a group, we export to countries such as Germany, Spain, Brazil, Russia, Poland, France, Slovenia and Mexico. 80% of our production is exported directly or most directly, 60% of our mold production is export-based.

SUBCONTURKEY: Do you have investment plans?

Emre Dalgıç: The period when we did not invest has not been for a long time, including the pandemic period. The basis of our business is to make technology investments on time. Otherwise, it is not possible for us to maintain sustainable profitability.

SUBCONTURKEY: Do you have studies and investments on digitalization and Industry 4.0?

Emre Dalgıç: As you know, let alone 4.0 works, 5.0 has started to be talked about and discussed up-to-date in the world. Industry 5.0 was also introduced at the CeBIT fair. As a matter of fact, we are focused on more current changes within our own body. A large part of our machinery investments are realized with this belief. We try to make the approach of adapting the change to the present day, rather than keeping up with the change, effective in our companies. That's why I believe that molting should not be perceived as just concrete. Because this shell change is always a necessity rather than a necessity. I think we will need more machines in the future. In this context, we received support for our field data collection system installation project in 2021 and started working.

SUBCONTURKEY: What will be your priority issues and goals in the next 5 years?

Emre Dalgıç: The concept we call the global economy and the commercial volume it contains are moving away from their old structure. Rather than the cliché of catching the future, “adapting the future to the present time” is the expression of our main goal. Because this is exactly the main vision of Dalgıç Global A.Ş., which we have established in this direction. As a group, we aim to make investments and grow by keeping up with technology. In this context, we believe that Dalgıç Global A.Ş will make serious contributions to our group.

SUBCONTURKEY: Finally, do you have anything to add?

Emre Dalgıç: We have entered a new year, and 2020 has been a year in which we witnessed events that we have not experienced before and realized that we could not draw attention to the importance of our health in our busy business life. It is very important for all of us to be able to continue this process without compromising our quality policy. We are strong together and we will support the sustainable development of our country together. I wish you a good year.



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